Friday, May 4, 2007

Import Requests - Don't Delay Filing

Posted to EC List May 3, 2007 Msg #91059

I just want to emphasize as strongly as I can how important it is for
each and every owner of a Cushing's horse on pergolide to file one of
these applications to import drug.

**Note that the last line on the instructions says to allow 3 to 4
weeks for processing**

"Processing" isn't the same thing as actually getting permission either.

You have to get this information into the FDA well in advance of your
supply disappearing. Don't count on this getting resolved in time.
Don't rely on what your supplier is telling you. Don't wait because
you're not sure if you can afford imported drug. Definitely don't wait
until you run out. If they come up with a solution before you have to
use this option, great. If they don't, or if there is one in the works
but not up and runnning in time, your horse will be caught high and dry.
Print the file and get it to your vet NOW. Also let your vet know that
they will have to file one for each and every individual horse being
treated with pergolide.

Would also strongly suggest that it be sent with delivery confirmation
or signature required.

This is your safety net. Use it.


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